Vintage Bunny Rabbit Painting Outline Pretty Bunny Rabbit in Red Tulips Craft PatternNow is the time to start making those cute little balls of fur. Not only can you paint white bunnies, but don't forget the other colors such as chocolate brown, gray, tan & black.
1) Start this rabbit craft by first clicking on the bunny outline above and printing it out to your desired size. 2) Place the the paper pattern of the bunny onto the surface you will be cutting. 3) Next, cut the bunny pattern out. 4) After the rabbit cut you are now ready to lightly sand where needed, 5) Next, paint the entire piece the opposite color of the final color you will paint. For example:. - if you are painting the bunny white, paint the entire rabbit black. The when the paint dries, proceed to paint the bunny with the desired color white. Important - when proceeding to paint the bunny white, use careful brush strokes. In other words, brush the white in the direction of which the fur is laying. Carefully with each stroke, brush in a manner in which the fur is growing. Go easy with the paint load on the brush. Do not apply the paint too heavily. A somewhat (dry brush) will produce a nice look of "fur" against the black, once you step back and look at it.
Rocking Rabbit Craft Pattern
on Etsy Archives
April 2016
Bunny Yard Patterns available on Amazon:
CategoriesBunny Yard Patterns available on Amazon:
Little Floppy Eared Bunny Yard Patterns available on Amazon: